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COMS4501, Carleton University

This is a space where you can find all of the audio work that I have produced for the COMS4501 Digital Media Production workshop at Carleton University in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

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00:00 / 01:56

Home & Family

This audio portrait features my older sister, Melanie. This project leans heavily on the term 'home'. When prompted with various questions throughout a long sit-down, Melanie details what the term 'home' means to her. She leans heavily on the idea that home is a sense of familiarity and comfort. Family is also a very prominent theme in this project - Melanie details family and its connection to home at various points throughout this audio portrait.

Christmas Stockings

The Sounds of Coffee

 This story, told through sounds and words, takes the listener through the process of brewing coffee with a French press coffee maker. This story leans heavily on the the journey that coffee beans take around the world in order to eventually land as a delicious liquid in your cup. I became fascinated with coffee and the delicate processes that are undertaken to make coffee beans fit for consuming. A process that many are unfamiliar with. The hope, is that this story will shed some light on that process while providing a calm and informative listening experience.

00:00 / 03:24
Home: Quote

Mental Health & Immobility

This podcast dives into a discussion surrounding mental health and the negative implications that the COVID-19 pandemic and the ensuing lockdowns have had on peoples mental health. Leaning on various statistics and touching on the general population as well as the impacts on children, this podcast acts as a PSA in order to raise awareness on the issues at hand.

00:00 / 07:39


Sounds: CBC News

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